Club Meetings
Meetings normally start with fly tying and casting instruction at 6:30 PM, followed by a general meeting at 7:30 PM. Typically, a fly fishing expert, VCFA member, or local guide leads a presentation related to fisheries and fly-fishing techniques. Meetings include VCFA merchandise sales, VCFA business, general announcements, raffles, and hands-on demonstrations and instruction in casting or rigging.
What should I bring to the meetings?
You don’t need to bring anything, but a pen and paper can be handy for recording tips, or bring your rod and tackle and discuss and learn techniques.
Board Meetings
VCFA Board of Directors meetings are held at 7 p.m. on the first Thursday of every month. The meetings are held via ZOOM call and all members are welcome to attend and observe. If you wish to serve on the Board of Directors, please contact us.