The mentoring program has been discussed by club members for several years. It is a program that is designed to benefit everyone WITHOUT COSTING ANYTHING. The program will be a work in progress and is designed to develop a better level of fly fishing skills among the Virginia Coastal Fly Anglers membership. There are two main objectives of this program, first to ascertain the needs of each interested person as to their availability, skill level, and desire to take others fishing. Also, the process will determine the best method of contacting participants and pairing them up with those desiring to improve their skills. The second objective is to make the program available to all members and pair those with particular needs to those who can help them.
We will gather information on the questionnaire to be found on this website. The completed questionnaires will be used to make a database that will pair the needs and interest of our members to those who have already achieved experience and success in fly fishing. In addition to improving our skills as individuals and a club, we also hope the program will foster friendships and partners to get more of us out fishing and encourage new memberships.
We would dedicate a special section of the forum for the fishing partners, those looking for someone to join them in a boat. The person going fishing can post the date and time frame of the trip and those who wish to go can respond. Those looking to go with someone can ask or answer the call.
The mentoring program can be developed to help those with specific needs in fly fishing, casting, "how to" and "where to fish". We can put extra effort toward new club members to get them excited about the club, but also encourage existing members to participate to get them more involved.
If you are interested in being a part of the program, see the accompanying forms and fill out the appropriate one for you. Download Form, Complete and Email to, or snail mail it to our address below.
Mentor Questionnaire
Here is where we will identify those who want to be mentors. You can fill out the following questionnaire and submit the data to the link provided. The information will not be distributed outside the club and you don’t have to be a professional in order to help. You can volunteer your time in whatever way you feel comfortable by answering the questions below. Mentors should be willing to help in areas of fishing as your abilities allow. Before taking someone fishing, for example, it might entail some lawn casting to prepare them for the actual experience. Obviously, this will take some time for a mentor, but should not become a full time job. The mentors will have to determine how much time they are able to spend with a member and may need a few mentors to work with some individuals. The mentor is not a guide, unless they so desire to act as one. The mentoring process is not a profit outing and a mentor should not charge an individual for the time spent in the instruction, but can request reimbursement for gas and other things that are needed for the fishing (and instruction) session.
Mentee Questionnaire
Welcome to the Mentoring program. In this area we would like to offer you a friendly handshake and welcome you to expand your world of fly fishing knowledge. Whether you are a beginner or have acquired some skills over time and just want to learn more, this is the place to make it happen. By completing the following questionnaire and submitting the results, we can try to set you up with an experienced angler to help you achieve success in fly fishing. If you have any needs that are not covered here, please speak up. We have a vast array of experience in the Virginia Coastal Fly Anglers and someone can surely help out.